Hory Mory! Awesome! It has been a long time since I have been just stoked on a film and this is the one that did it. In short, see it! Now it ain't no family film as there is a lot of gun play, blood, but not to the level of a movie like "Saw" or something where you actually see blades and things slicing through people and their parts. Nah, not that but a ton of action, comedy, and tension. Awesome!
Self proclaimed as an Asian Western, it is. As far as I can tell, the timeline is right before the beginning of World War II and somewhere along the border of China, Mongolia, and/or Korea. Unbeknownst to each to each other, 3 men descend upon a train. One (a Buster Keaton type funny dude thief) is after whatever, one (a sinister cross between Prince in "Purple Rain" and Johnny Depp as Captain Jack Sparrow) is after a treasure map, and the third is a bounty hunter (decked out in full on cowboy gear with a knarly Winchester Rifle) atop a horse and just loaded with riding and shooting skills who is after the first...initially.
Buster Keaton gets the map first, realizes what it is and goes after the treasure. The only issue is that the other two are hot on his trail. However, not only does he have those two to worry about, he also has to worry about the Mongol nomads who have caught wind of the map and want it, and he also has to worry about a contingent of the Japanese Army who see the treasure as being able to determine whether their conquest for world domination will succeed or fail. Pretty soon everyone is chasing everyone and everyone is running from everyone. Awesome.
Directing was great, the dialogue a funny mix of surfer and something, the acting was awesome, and cinematography rocked. SEE THIS!
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