Ahh, I don't know what to do with this one. The thing that sticks with me the most is that this seemed like a film that straddled the "Made for TV" or "Theater" line. After the first night of watching it, I almost thought of just packing in its little red sleeping bag and senidng it off to never never land.
The reason I almost sent it back is because the storyline is a familiar one: A group of people is trapped with certain death awaiting should they do nothing. So, one person at a time risks life and limb to escape, get help, and return for the rest. The drama, tension, etc. is delivered through the viewer of the movie sticking with the remainder of the trapped group and (with them) wrestling with the conflict of, "Do we hang and keep faith that Johnny made it to safety and is coming back, or do we accept that he did not make it and risk another one of us trying to get out of this trap and going for safety?" With this in store for me, I figured that I would not have the patience to sit through this line with the only twist being which of the victims would make it. BUT! I perservered and was not let down.
3 punks con their way onto a chair lift for free. At the day's end, they finally move to the mahco slopes only to find the chair lift, because of heavy incoming weather, is shut down right as they get there. They (for the second time) sleazily manipulate their way for one last run. As they are the last trio, they are on their way to the top until, due to a change in chair operators, the lift stops and the entire mountain is shut down for the next 5 days until it opens the following Saturday. Great, elevated 50 feet above ground in subzero weather for 5 days. Hmm, will they make it?
The acting was okay, the script actually was not bad, the directing was okay, but the cinematography and score was cheese. This is a movie that could/should be remade with a clear intent to be either an rated R film or puffy little Halmark Channel film. For you my faithful readers, I would pass on this.
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