Awesome! This is one of the best films that I have seen in years!! The writing is way good and dynamic, the acting is great and the directing is incredible as is the cinematography. There is gore in a few places, but it is not gratuitous. Instead, it is brutal, raw, and realistic: much of what you would expect to encounter if you were in actual combat.
In short, two brothers in South Korea are conscripted into the South Korean Army right as the Communist North invades. There are two story lines to follow so this film has appeal on several levels. On the drama side, you have the older brother who sacrifices all and does what he can to keep the fatherless family together and pay for his younger brother to go to college, get an education, and make something of himself. When the younger brother gets forced into the army, the older on joins to protect him. In the process, the older one becomes a hero who switches sides when the insanity, unfairness, etc. of the war pushes him over the edge. Amazing. On an historical side, this film gave me the best education of what the beginning of the war was like and why things are the way they are.
On its own, the film is really worth watching; however, based on the ever increasing tensions going on in Korea today, it is a must see!!
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