Not sure why the title...I mean it lead me to believe that they were going to be a bunch of folks employed/owned by the government who no-one really gave a rip about. No, these dudes are the ex (whatever the knarliest bad ass division in the armed services might be) military who are now mercenaries. In this latest dealio, they are hired by Bruce Willis's character who is (though never confirmed) CIA. Oooooh! I love that hook. The CIA, NSA, FBI, SOB's are always doing soemthing nefarious and it is the mindless mercenaries who have a come to Jesus moment and thus morally transcend the government that hired them. Whatever, if you have an issue with the plot, it is your fault for expecting one and watching this movie. If ever there is a decent provocative plot in a movie like this, it would be about as common as winning the lottery and NOT having to pay don't expect one!!
The movie was a great ride! Tons of action, explosions, fighting and just about every single action actor you could imagine; c'mon, Schwarzenegger, Stallone, Li, Lundgren, Statham, etc. A pairing that worked really well in 1984's "The Pope of Greenwich Village" was Mickey Rourke and Eric Roberts and they too are in this, but the paths of their characters never meet...shame, they were great in that film.
All I expected were explosions, cool action scenes, retribution, etc. I got it all, and becuase I did not expect an amazing plot or script, well, I was not let down. Stallone directed this so it was good. After all the action stuff he has been in, well who better than John Woo to direct? Stallone's experience in this genre and knowledge of what does and does not work worked! The only bummer I would call on is that in the last major fight scene where Stallone is able to break away from being strangled and all, the lighthing was not adequate, so I felt a bit deprived of some of the punches, knife throws and all because I could not really see them. Not a family film at all, but fun for the dudes to watch!
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