Wow. Holy wow! I realize that I am totally susceptible to movies affecting my mood. I mean, why shouldn't they? I get goofed on football games as my wife and kids will attest to and so being affected by movies is only a natural extension. This was a killer film.
The film was long but it was fully loaded with an incredible cast: Liotta, Cooper, Gosling, and Mendes (the best of the Alba Diaz trio of actresses). Gosling is something...he has this brooding deal that he capitalizes on in just about every movie he is in, but you never tire of it. Michael Cera uses the same deal, but his quirkiness gets way old way fast. Gosling's roles always have this nuke inside that is just below the surface and you are always waiting for it to come out. Losing 2 tires from his role in Drive (2011) (which kicked a$$), he replays his cold but compassionate self....all good. Liotta jams in the dude you know is wrong but have to go along with. Cooper, good deal dude. He pulls off a killer deal with this role and shows a really good span and range. Good call by his agent to get him in this one. Man, it is a dark deal but really intriguing and good.
Acting ROCKED, cinematography ROCKED, script ROCKED, directing ROCKED and SPECIAL KUDOS to the soundtrack. You noticed it because it just didn't seem to fit or it seemed off, but unlike other films in which you ask, "who wrote the music for this...the director's kid?" this soundtrack fit beautifully.
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