2013: Fairly recent but, eh, nothing really to write home about. Have you ever noticed that some things (just because of what they are) are automatically accepted as being superior and therefore overrated like blonds having more fun than the rest of us, Dutch, Swiss or German Chocolate is far superior to chocolate from anywhere else, French cheese is the best, Italian and British cars are superior (wait, that's a lie) and in this case....British Acting?
Really, I am not sure if the acting was superior to anything else but the British accent I guess adds that flair. Okay, so the movie was...it was okay but there are so many more I could have seen. I guess the thing that was bizarre and made the film a bit hard to follow was the court system in England....you get a defender and then a special advocate and the 2 are not to talk about the case....not sure. Okay, so I did not get that and that led to some mysticism on my behalf. One other thing that just made me turn away and investigate the lint content of my navel was that a 210lb 6'2" trained killer from MI6 couldn't sneak up on and take out a 115lb 5'3" waif of a woman.
When it was all said and done, what was distinct to me and very memorable is the standard plot line about how governments will do unsavory things "TO PROTECT US" and it is better, even if it may be unjust, that you just accept it and go along with it. I don't know if I am getting older and more conservative or just burning out on that tired old plot line, but my goodness, give it a rest would you?
Okay so for the standard review:
Writing/Directing: Okay, no real whoop.
Music....didn't really remember it being an add or detractor from the film
Acting: it was British! It was AWESOME!
Cinematography: Good
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