At the beginning of this one, I was "Wow, oh man, this is great, oh wow!" but the weirdy thing was that during the day, I didn't find myself eager to get home and turn it back on and all. It may have been the start of 2 kids in baseball, swimming, and cub scouts that had me worn out, trampled and looking like a piece of road kill bacon. Not sure, but I did finish it.
Donnie Yen, who is in just about the last 10 films I have seen was in this one too and his fight action is awesome! He has some of that floating/flying Hidden Tiger stuff going on but not so much that you are thinking to yourself, "Hey, now I know what those opium dens were for: dreaming up floaty fight scenes."
I kept thinking that the mask and all were like Bruce Lee in "The Green Hornet" TV show and yep!, there was a comparison and some connections. Still good and this is a film that I can recommend, but not one that I would jump up and down and rave for.
Acting was good, directing was good, writing rocked, and the, okay. Cinematography was awesome!
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