Thank goodness I finished the Mesrine duo of flicks and was able to get back to this series. "The Girl Who Played With Fire," is the second in a trio of films from the books of Stieg Larsson. The first is/was "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" (2009). This series is so in line with the books by Thomas Harris on Hannibal Lecter which deal in crime, bizarre, and just evil.
SEE IT and the others that are in this series. All are superbly acted, directed, written and the cinematagrophy is great. The lighting and angles suit the plot beautifully. The only bummer to juke in here is that while locating the date of release for "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo," I see that there is going to be a 2011 re-release starring Daniel Craig and of course in English...seriously? C'mon, if this remake is going to be anything like the 1993 remake of "La Femme Nikita" staring Bridgett Fonda and cater to those who can't read/handle subtitles, you have to be freakin' kidding me. What an insult to the original.
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