WATCH IT! Within 2 minutes I was in. Of course, I am a dude and I love trains. I guess it is the power and the predictability of them that I like so much. Whatever. A train that is at full throttle and loaded with enough nasty chemical stuff to level an entire Pennsylvania town is powering through the state without a driver.
Many movies work this theme and that is, there is something out of control that is on its way to a final massive destructive crescendo and the entire 90-120 minutes of the movie shows the preparation of those involved working to avert that disaster. They either avert it or they don't and we 'the loser audience' will endure the duration just to see the explosive effects presented by the special effects crew. Not this movie: throughout, it is punctuated with mini-disasters along the way. AWESOME! This is one of the few...the VERY FEW...that I watched again the next day.
Denzel Washington is a true actor. In each role he takes, he is a different character: The Book of Eli, Philadelphia, etc. He is awesome. New comer Chris Pine (Star Trek, Bottle Shock, etc) is the same, though not as dynamic in his acting range. His characters all have at their core a dude who is pretty sharp and who is able to overcome the lack of a sustained dedication (and the experience that dedication to one thing would bring) with his smarts. The two play really well together and yeah, good movie, good movie.
The script was great, the directing was really good too. It and the cinematography with grainy, choppy shots, really enhanced the intensity of the film without being too choppy to the point of inducing nausea and eventual vomiting.
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