Okay, I am not a scary movie dude because the good ones (the ones without relying on gore) that rely on suspense and surprise do scare the crap out of me and I have 5 and 7 year sons to do that to me for free. However, I made an exception on this film as I saw the preview and I am a sucker for anything having to do with Nazi's and WWII. All good.
Okay, in present times, 5 Finn's hike (and one snowmobiles) on up to a very isolated cabin in the middle of nowhere and are there to await a 6th Finn who decided get there earlier by hiking up the night before...she ain't gonna make it. Everything is also completely covered in snow. Okay, turns out that during WWII, a couple companies of looting German SS soldiers were chased into the mountains by villagers from whom they had stolen every valuable item they could find. They had not been heard from or seen...until now!
In the beginning, this film had the suspense and surprise going for it, but then it got gory. The gore was pretty much over the top when it happened, so, because it was so unbelievable, well, it didn't really gross me out. Actually, the nastiest scene is where a guy is doing a sit down in the outhouse which is about 40 yards (or meters as this is a European film) away from the cabin. Right as he is finishing up the paperwork portion of his job, his girlfriend decides that there ain't nothin' sexier or more irresistible than a man sitting down with his pants around his ankles, so she decides to get busy with him and gets him in the mood and over his surprise by sucking his fingers. That was gross.
From there, the actual body gore takes over and there you have it. Okay, as I said, I am not a gore fanatic, but there were bits of humor in the film that reminded me of Army of Darkness. That is one of my all time favorites! For that reason, yeah, it was not bad. There was enough in the way of suspense to make it decent, the gore too over the top, etc. Cinematography was good, directing was good, script, hell is was Finnish so they could have been reading Jack and Jill and I would not have known. I don't really recommend the film unless you are definitely a horror movie nut. If so, heck yeah, check it out.
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