Save yourself. Don't watch this. What the heck happened to Liam Neeson? He started down this action vein of films with 2008's "Taken" and was a good knarly BAD A%* in that! But here, oh my gosh! This thing was so lamely over the top that it actually went over the top, went across China and then went over the top again. 117 minutes of Ron's life...gone.
"Well gee Movie Dude Ron, if it was so bad, how come you watched the whole thing?"
"Ya see Johnny DVD watcher, the thing that kept me from returning this hideous boy early within its red envelope of redemption was that someone borked my queue and punked me with 2 Disney dealios; "The Aristocats" and "The Fox and the Hound".....No, that isn't the title of my wedding video!"
If you are inclined to watch this because of Jessica Biel, save yourself and instead get the 2009 Maxim she is in. At least you will still be able to respect for yourself, well, that's a matter for you to take up alone.
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