GET THIS AND ENJOY! What a killer surprise! Clooney's "Ocean Whatever Number" meets "Die Hard" meets "True Lies." Where was this film earlier and why didn't I hear about it? The cast was awesome; Bruce Willis, Morgan Freeman, and finally, John Malkovich in a role that didn't have me thinking he was overacting. In fact Malkovich was one of the funniest dudes. Awesome.
Ex CIA Frank Moses "Willis" is retired and has a phone relationship going on with the girl who oversees his pension account. Okay, he soon discovers that he is on a hit list that is made up of those who participated in a previous job. That previous job involved a person who is now an aspiring politician. Okay, Moses must now figure what is going on and then take care of the mess. On and in the way is Karl Urban's current CIA character of "William Cooper." Cooper is an honest dude who wants and does the right thing. A classic scene is toward the beginning when Moses starts going back to his old CIA ways and begins to put a severe thumping on Cooper. What makes the scene so classic is the soundtrack is Aerosmith's version of "Back in the Saddle."
See this! The acting is great, the writing and plot awesom, and the cinematography and directing rock. Man, this is probably a double watcher for me!