No one I have ever seen or anyone I have ever heard of is in this...aside from Mark Margolis who I can remember only as the landlord in "Ace Venture; Pet Detective." I was a bit apprehensive as I usually pan the black and white films and ones that I am forewarned have something other than crystal focused filming. I took a chance on this one and was very surprised and pleased. It is gritty and it is fast paced and extremely watchable.
In short, there is a guy who stared into the sun when he was 6 becuase he was told not to. With that deal came a rainman like ability to work with numbers and see patterns. Also with it came cripling migraines. Nice. He feels all can be explained by numbers and math and once the pattern is figured out, it can be used to predict future the stock market values. Somehow, his ability with numbers is picked up on the radar of an investment firm and they are after his abilities. He is also pursued by Haisidic Jews who (act all cool and nice and who hide what they know about him and) want his gift to help them to a revelation of sorts.
Funniest part for me was an Asian kid coming up to him (a white guy) with a calculator asking him to solve a math problem in his head and then using the calculator to check the answer. It is usually the other way around. Okay, it would not be at the top of a must see list, but it was a good, intriguing film that could offer, if anything, a history lesson on math theorists.
Cinematography, well, not my favorite style, directing was okay and the script was good and engaging. Acting, yeah, that was good too.
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