Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ong Bak 2

Ong Bak 2: The Beginning

Okay, I don't know Thai, but I do know from deduction that "Ong Bak" translated into English means, "No concept of time or chronology."  This is the second in the series and is called "The Beginning" but seriously, "Ong Bak (1 I guess)" 2003 was in 21st century and 2 is in, heck, 18th maybe?  Weird, so it is the beginning and if it is, who the hell is this dude...Methuselah?

Whatever, timing, chronology, laws of medicine and possible blood loss (and ability to remain conscious) aside, not bad.  In fact, this was better than the first.  The fighting style is insane and Tony Jaa is something.  The style is pretty different from the Jett Li, Bruce Lee, and Jackie Chan stuff and may even be more cooler.  Bad gig for the hero is that, "man, can't this guy catch a break?"  Okay, directing good, acting good, music good, cinematagraphy good, and the script...make sure you go subtittles and not dubbed....good.

I would recommend it!

Friday, August 24, 2012


Ong-bak Poster

Wow, although the standard "righteous out of place dude is and takes down bad established dudes and converts those on the fence" plot, this was okay...okay enough to get me to order the next 2.  What is knarliest about this is the fighting.  I am always into a good Kung Fu/Karate movie but after awhile, they get a bit tedious...especially within one fight, either dude is beaten about the head, face, and neck with chains, 2x4's, feet, shins, etc. over and over and keeps going.

There was a bit of that stuff here, but the fighting style was wild!  It is Muay Thai and definitely different.  Tony Jaa also tosses in some parkour to keep it interesting as well.  This is not something to really go out of the way for, but it was pretty good.  Acting was all good, directing is fine, music...well, it didn't get in the way, script was subtitles and not bad and cinematography was good in that there were no dark spots or anything.  The only annoying part was the girl's voice.  God, that was annoying.