God help me. Spain is just shooting missiles of twisted stuff across its borders and into my red envelope queue. What the heck. The last Spanish movie I saw (which I saw right before this) was "The Skin I Live In," and wow, this one was just as macabre.
It took several nights to watch, yet I did keep watching and finished it. Really, I don't know how or where to start in reviewing this other than the basics: script was good, directing was good, cinematography was good, acting was great, and music was, well, I don't remember it too much which means it did not get in the way. Okay, dude whose father was a clown becomes a clown and is paired with a sadistic clown who abuses the s#$t out of his girlfriend. New clown falls for the girlfriend and she falls for him and sadistic clown catches wind of it and then a whole circus of s%*t hits the fan. New clown then unleashes the 5 gallon Sparklets bottle of unreleased rage he has been filling throughout his life in the span of a week or two.
Gory, crazy, and actually reminded me of Hammurabi settling a dispute of 2 women; both claiming to have birthed an infant and both wanting possession of the child. It will be hard for this film to find a home as the cover intimates standard B movie crap with cleavage and gore, but the level of acting will be far beyond what purveyors of that genre expect and there won't be enough gore for them either. On the other hand, the acting and plot are of a level that is more A+ stuff, yet the gore is enough that the purveyors of this will be turned off.