Okay, major stretch and it was Cruise who made this a chance to take. There is so much cash behind his flicks that it is pretty tough to have his machine put out a bad one. However, that evil thing called "doubt" had to be overcome and that doubt was due to Cameron Diaz. Ever since her roles in the 2000 on Charlie's Angels offerings did I swear her off. She was cool up until then (The Mask and There's Something About Mary) but the "Man, I am so cute and funny and quirky and still DEADLY" kinda shtick that she pooped out caused me to shut that cheese down within 25 minutes into the first one and never want to see anything she was in afterward. Glad I did. This was okay and she was okay. Cruise is pretty good and he and Diaz do a good deal on two story formulas:
1. Dude seems really weird and off to all who are around him, but one person believes in him and sure enough, all those who thought he was off base realize that only he had the true vision!
2. Guy/girl gets guy/girl, then guy/girl loses guy/girl and finally guy/girl gets guy/girl back.
So, Cruise is an agent who is pursued by the agency and along the way goofs into Cameron Diaz who gets played but, alas, love blooms and yadda, yadda, yadda there. Great bits of action and tons of exotic locations which, as if either actor could not afford to go their own their own, afford both actors to visit those locations and write them off as travel expenses because of the movie...savvy! It all turns out well and is crazy reminiscent of 1994's True Lies and 2007's Mr. and Mrs. Smith. This film, and how it ends, screams sequel possibilities.
Directing is good, acting is...not so bad that it messes up the movie, script was actually pretty good, and cinematography is great: there are no too dark scenes or too light scenes. So, this would not be a must see, but it is not a bad film at all. I actually was able to remember what film I was in the middle of during my days at work.