Okay, it seems strange that the movies I watch carry a thread for a bit; for instance here, I seem to be on Wahlberg films. Man, what a surprise! This was funny! Wahlberg and Ferrell are the needed "Odd Couple" who are third stringers in their department which is captained by an hilarious Michael Keaton.
Keaton is like Beetlejuice with a badge...just a litte more subdued though. Actually, he is a cross between Batman and Beetlejuice. He hasn't been seen in a bit, but as soon as he appears, his movements and mannerisms let you know that, oh yeah, that's Michael Keaton! Good deal. Wahlberg is dynamite just waiting for his fuse to get lit and it gets lit often. Ferrell, geez, he is given the freedom to ad lib and pulls it off big time. The dialogue goes off as it shoots in the most bizarre and unanticpated directions, but most of all, it is way appreciated. Wahlberg is in a role I have never seen him in and pulls it off well as he rounds the duo out. In this film, Ferrell hits the mark that it seems many of his other movie roles have tried to reach.
Directing is all good, the unexpected weirdness and situations rock, the script/dialogue (whether planned or ad libbed) is great and the cinematography, well, I don't know if it was great or what, but it was done well enough that it didn't obscure anything.
I actually think that I could watch this one again.